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Please note that your username is the email address that FHA uses to send email correspondence. Please use the Forgot Password link above to set your unique password. You should immediately receive a link with instructions for resetting your FHA password. 

If you have any questions, email [email protected].

IP Fundamentals for the Novice IP

Six-Part Virtual Training Series:  April 11-13 and April 18-20, 2023

Whether you are experienced, or new to the IP role, your leadership is critical in supporting the implementation of infection prevention programs that drive sustainable reduction in harm related to hospital-associated infections, and this is a perfect educational and networking opportunity!

The series will be led by nationally recognized infection prevention experts Linda Greene, RN, MPS, CIC, FAPIC; and Barbara Russell, RN, MPH, CIC, BHSA, FAPIC.  We are also pleased to have presentations from Julie Gnage, MPH, CIC, Environmental Services Manager, Moffitt Cancer Center; and Kim Streit, Senior Vice President, FHA.

Suggested Attendance
The program is designed to focus on fundamental knowledge and core competencies for current infection preventionists who are new to their role (less than two years) or those interested in learning more about the role of infection prevention in the acute care setting. Please feel free to share this invitation to join with others in your organization who are leading infection prevention efforts.

Continuing Education

The Florida Hospital Association is an approved provider of continuing nursing education by the Florida Board of Nursing (under CE Broker #50-726). Nurses are eligible to receive up to 6.0 hours of continuing nursing education for attending all three sessions. Completion of the Evaluation Survey is required to receive CEs. The survey will close two weeks after the series ends. FHA will report your CE completion to CE Broker directly once the survey is closed, within two weeks.

For non-nurse Infection Preventionists to collect IPU units for their CBIC certification:
Please complete the evaluation and request a certificate. The certificate of attendance is eligible to be submitted for IPU credit per the CBIC. Please review the CBIC website for additional details.

4/11/2023 - 4/20/2023
Registration is closed.


Tuesday, 11 April 2023


Wednesday, 12 April 2023


Thursday, 13 April 2023


Tuesday, 18 April 2023


Wednesday, 19 April 2023


Thursday, 20 April 2023

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